Background of Development
Since there was a lack of good math programs that have both manipulatives and workbooks in Korea, it was quite difficult for children to develop creative thinking and logical reasoning thinking skills. As we value the importance of manipulatives, we needed systematic and fun manipulatives at the same time which make the class more interesting.
1 Process
Planning & Development: 2008.6 ~ 2011.8.15
Developer & Author: Mathtian Research Center (Director: Jin-heui Moon)
2 Objectives
The program reflects the need for the leadership of teachers (Teaching is not just simply delivering knowledge.)
Trial and error is a fundamental method of problem–solving & creative thinking.
The program makes the teachers and students communicate with each other.
Children can fully understand fundamental principles not only for problem-solving.
3 Characteristics
Great math program for children with systematic manipulatives, workbooks, and learning videos.
Hands-on Activity + Creativity
PlayFACTO Teacher Training

The Use of Manipulatives in Mathematics Education
Jean Piaget (1896-1980)
According to Piaget, most elementary school students revert to the period of concrete manipulations, and because students in this period of time have difficulties understanding abstract concepts by themselves, tools for concrete manipulations are necessary.
NCTM (2000), which has been a great influence on the trend of mathematics education, and NCTM Initiative (2010) recommend the use of concrete manipulatives in the mathematics education of infants and elementary school students before teaching abstract mathematical concepts.